Adult Basic Education is a Critical Public Policy Issue
Rooted In Literacy
The Chicago Citywide Literacy Coalition (CCLC) was created by adult literacy programs 20 years ago to network, share resources, and raise awareness. Our members have program offerings allowing adult learners to continue thriving within their communities to address the social determinants of health, work and connection.
In 2023, CCLC’s board unanimously voted to change the organization's name to scaleLIT. Unveiled at our annual fundraiser, Beyond Books, scaleLIT reflects the organization’s vision to expand services to help organizations use adult literacy best practices to more effectively serve the community.
Under the new name, scaleLIT will continue to assist its members in advancing work in its core program areas of career pathways, digital literacy, and health literacy. scaleLIT will also continue offering direct services in career pathway navigation and digital literacy.
scaleLIT's mission is to help adult education organizations secure resources and training so that under-resourced adult learners can become economically successful, and reframe adult basic education as a critical public policy issue.
Board of Directors
Manny Rodriguez - President
Executive Director, Revolution Workshop
Christa Hamilton - Vice President
Executive Director - UCAN
Latisha Bell - Secretary
Regional Human Resources Business Partner-Midwest, Amazon
Jessica Goble, CPA - Treasurer
Director of Internal Audit, Paylocity
Matthew Dawson
Computer Science Learning Lead, Google
Gerardo Gallo
Assistant Branch Manager, First Eagle Bank
Ratna Kanumury
System Director of Advanced Practice Providers for Cook County Health and Hospitals System
Sheryl Morris
Executive Director, UNITE HERE Chicago Hospitality Institute
Kathy Allison - Founding Member, Emeritus
Executive Director, United for a Better Living
Lawrence Blakley - Founding Member, Emeritus
Vice President of Operations, De La Salle Institute/Tolton Center
Mary Kay Devine, Emeritus
Chief of Staff, Women Employed
Lisbeth Goble - Emeritus
Senior Researcher, Mathmatica Policy Research
Susie Karwowski, Emeritus
Managing Director, Bergin Law Offices
Carmen Kimble, PhD - Emeritus
Associate Professor, Colorado Technical University
Meet the Team
Camilla Benjamin
Career Pathways Navigator
Fantazia Berry
Digital Navigator
Kelly Caldwell
Director of Operations
Mandeep Kaur Cuautle
Career Pathways Navigator
Roxanne Garcia
Career Pathways Navigator
Jessica Gonzales
IPS Employment Specialist
Candace Gray
Career Pathways Navigator
Meg Green
IPS Employment Specialist
Robert Guzman
External Affairs Director
Shilanda Hall
Career Pathways Navigator
Susie Harkins
IPS Program Manager
Ema Mailhot-Beutel
Senior Manager - Data and Anaytics
Michael Matos
Ed Tech Director
Megan McGinty
Senior Manager - Development and Communications
Carla Mosby
Navigator Manager
Gabriel Pérez
Special Projects Manager
Becky Raymond
Executive Director
Angel Robinson
Human Services Navigator
Renuka Sharma
Senior Manager - Community Engagement
Germania Solorzano
Career Pathways Navigator
Mary Donley
Digital Literacy Navigator - AmeriCorps VISTA