of respondents reported that scaleLIT’s Tools and Resources (The Change Agent, Northstar Digital Literacy) were a value of membership.
Resources Meet Community
scaleLIT's mission is to help Chicago's adult education organizations secure resources and training so that under-resourced adult learners can become economically successful, and reframe adult basic education as a critical public policy issue.
We work with American Job Centers to provide partners, job seekers and businesses the resources and community needed to be successful.
We staff a team of Career Pathway Navigators to assist jobseekers in finding the right programs to successfully get them on the path to meaningful employment.
We work with our members to establish digital literacy programs that meet the needs of their constituents - from devices to skill building we help organizations close the digital divide.
Our Impact!
Certificates Awarded
Adult Learners Served
Career Navigator Referrals

Hai Minh Nguyen of Heartland Human Care Services Refugee and Immigrant Community Services (RICS)