We’ll see you there!

Thursday | April 17, 2025 | 5:30 PM The Library - 190 S LaSalle St

Literacy Leader Award Winner 2025

Kyla Williams Tate's Headshot in front of the American Flag and the Cook County Flag

Kyla Willams Tate

Director of Digital Equity, Cook County Office of the President

I am genuinely grateful for this recognition and the opportunity to highlight the vital importance of digital literacy. The work being done throughout this ecosystem to empower learners and practitioners is inspiring, and it means so much to be acknowledged for my contributions in this space.
— Kyla Williams Tate
  • Kyla has been a champion for digital equity in Cook County. Her dedication to digital initiatives, including the County's Digital Equity Plan, has left a significant mark on scaleLIT and our digital inclusion and literacy approach.

    The National Digital Inclusion Alliance recently recognized Cook County as a Visionary Digital Inclusion Trailblazer for the second consecutive year.

    Kyla's leadership in the region and partnership with organizations like scaleLIT have made waves in the digital inclusion landscape. She prioritizes state—and county-wide goals and strategies to meet the needs of our community. Please join us in recognizing her outstanding work!

scaleLIT now accepts nominations for the Shirley Jenkins Adult Literacy Practitioner and Student Achievement Awards.

We’ll honor award winners for their achievements and dedication to digital literacy this year.

THANK YOU to our 2024 sponsors!

Our sponsors help us advance equitable access to adult education and job training programs.

As scaleLIT continues to grow, these critical funds allow us to create and implement programs that build a more-inclusive economy. Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who made Beyond Books 2024 a success! See below for highlights.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Yes! Both the Quincy Brown Line and the Monroe Blue Line have stops nearby.

  • We encourage guests to utilize Spot Hero to find a convenient parking spot for the evening.

  • Visit: galabid.com/beyondbooks24

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  • If you are outbid, you will receive a notification with a link back to the item. You can click this link to take you directly to the item where you have the option to place a higher bid. The item you have been outbid on will have an ‘outbid’ label next to the item name. You can also check by going to the ‘my account’ tab and clicking on ‘activity’.