Digital Inclusion Week 2024 Recap
That’s a wrap on Digital Inclusion Week (DIW) 2024!
We are so grateful to our members, partners, educators, students, and community members for participating in DIW 2024. We are proud to see the engagement and support our community has shown in promoting digital inclusion.
On Monday of DIW, scaleLIT launched the DIW 2024 Writing Contest. Like the AEFL Week Writing Contest, we asked our community why Digital Literacy is important to their lives.
We gathered responses from students and educators from our member organizations and other service providers, and announced the Writing Contest Winners on Monday.
Student Winner: Wendy Delgado, a learner from Aquinas Literacy Center
We live in an era where almost everything is done digitally, it is now easier for many people to do many things, including learning from home, many people have smartphones or computers that can connect to the Internet. Thanks to institutions on the web that are dedicated to teaching and reaching places where it was more difficult before, being able to reach more people.
Educator Winner: Kristy Johnson from LARE - American Training, Inc.
Digital literacy matters because it is a gateway to wealth, power, and control the world-over.
Just as vocabulary size is predictive of career, financial, and academic success, digital literacy is a predictor of future readiness.
Congratulations to our DIW 2024 Writing Contest Winners! We included several additional submissions below.
“Digital literacy matters because it’s a significant skill that is needed in the world of technology we live in today. Learning digital or computer skills are crucial for success. It gives you confidence and independence in utilizing resources, such as the internet It’s necessary for most jobs, access to information, communication, problem solving, opens up career opportunities and supports lifelong learning that we will use everyday. ”
“Today, everything is connected to digital technology. It should be mandatory for everyone to learn at least what is necessary to take care of their own lives through electronic devices. I personally want to learn as much as I can...Why does learning digital literacy matter to me? I know it is the steps I need to take care of myself, learn and grow! ”
“Digital literacy is essential because it enables individuals to navigate, evaluate, and create information in a digital world. With the increasing reliance on technology in everyday life, work, and education, having computer skills is crucial for staying connected, improving productivity, and accessing opportunities for personal and professional growth.”
“Digital literacy matters because it empowers individuals to navigate an increasingly digital world. Proficiency in computer skills is essential for accessing information, communicating effectively, and improving job prospects. In a technology-driven society, these skills foster innovation, productivity, and greater participation.”
“Digital literacy is necessary because it helps bridge the gap between people and opportunities. Mastering computer skills enables individuals to learn, collaborate, and stay informed. As more services and industries go digital, these skills become crucial for personal development and professional success”
On Tuesday of DIW and throughout the week at our drop-in sessions, we invited our community members and learners to print their Digital Literacy Matters sign and share why digital literacy and inclusion matter to them.
We also kicked off our series of Chromebook giveaways at the drop-in Digital Literacy training session across the American Job Center network.
Thanks to the support of the Cook County Government, scaleLIT raffled off five new Chromebooks to digital literacy learners. We included pictures of the winners below:
Tuesday’s Chromebook Winner: Mr Khan
On Tuesday, we held a drop-in Digital Literacy Workshop at the American Job Center at Truman College. At the end of this session, we raffled off our first of five Chromebooks. Mr. Khan, pictured with Renuka Sharma and Fantazia Berry, was our lucky winner. He took home a brand new device to continue his digital journey.
Wednesday’s Chromebook Winner: Irina Serban
Our second #DigitalInclusionWeek drop-in Digital Literacy Session was held Wednesday at the American Job Center in Maywood.
At the end of the session, our Navigator, Germania, entered all three digital learners’ names and randomly drew the winner: Irina Serban!
Irina is a student at Triton College and regularly participates in the Digital Literacy Sessions at the American Job Center in Maywood. She has already earned ten certificates on Northstar Digital Literacy. We can’t wait to see all the wonderful skills Irina can develop using her new Chromebook.
Thursday’s Chromebook Winner: Ms. Arsenia
We had a packed house at the drop-in Digital Literacy Session on Thursday! Ms. Arsenia won a new Chromebook, while Ms. Jenoyce walked away with her own scaleLIT and Cook County Digital Equity Week swag.
Friday Chromebook Winners:
We had two Digital Literacy sessions on Friday:
So, we had two Chromebook raffle winners! Both winners are pictured below.
Rachel, our winner from the AJC in Pilsen session, is pictured to the left with Fantazia and Michael.
Sanjeet, our winner from the AJC at Prairie State College session, also walked away with a brand new Chromebook, pictured with Candace on the right.
On Friday, scaleLIT had our social media day of action, and our Ed Tech Director, Michael Matos, facilitated a virtual session for the Coalition of Basic Adult Education (COABE)’s Digital Inclusion Week Webinar Series.
Once again, we are so grateful to each and every one of our members, partners, colleagues, and learners who participated in our DIW activities! We’ve included several helpful links below:
Click here to view COABE’s Digital Inclusion Week page.
Click here to visit the National Digital Inclusion Alliance Digital Inclusion Week page.
Click here to visit the Cook County Government Digital Equity page.
Click here to learn more about the Xfinity Internet Essentials page.