What type of survey are you requesting?
Workshop Survey - Used for workshops or meetings that are recurring at American Job Centers
Event Survey - Used for events or fairs hosted at American Job Centers or organized by American Job Center partners
Workshop Survey
Event Survey
Is this workshop or event in-person or virtual? (check all that apply)
In Person
Which of the following American Job Centers are connected to this workshop or event?
AJC at the King Center
AJC in Pilsen
AJC at Truman College
AJC in Wheeling
AJC in Harvey
AJC at Prairie State College
AJC at Daley College
AJC in North Riverside
AJC at Malcolm X College West Campus
AJC in Maywood
AJC in Belleville
Other: _____
Which organization is using this survey?
What partner category does this organization fall under?
Title I-B - Career Services
Title II - Adult Education and Literacy
Title III - Wagner Peyser Employment Services
Title IV - Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)
Perkins Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
Employment and training activities under Community Service Block Grants (CSBG)
Employment and training activities under Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Unemployment Insurance
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
Second Chance Reentry Programs
Job Corps
Youth Build
Programs under Veterans State Grants
Title I-Y - Youth Services
How would you describe or categorize your event?
Job Readiness (job search, resume writing, interviewing, job clubs, social media and networking, etc.)
Computer Classes (PowerPoint, Excel, etc.)
Orientation and Informational Sessions (WIOA/Career Pathways Orientation) (college fairs or similar events to share program and partner agency opportunities)
Job Fairs and Business Services Events (hiring events, employer spotlights, events focusing on job leads, etc.)
Employer Workshops (audience is employer partners, not job seekers)
Financial Literacy and Wellness (mental health and trauma-informed care, family, business and entrepreneurial tips)
Describe the purpose or goal of this workshop or event.
What is the name of this event?
How often is this event being held?
Please share the registration link for this event if available.